Peter Hynes MVB MRCVS Cert Equine Sports Medicine (UCD)
Peter grew up in Limerick, Ireland and has been around horses from an early age. He qualified from vet school at University College Dublin in Ireland and completed several equine externships including those at Rood and Riddle in Kentucky, USA and at Dubai Equine Hospital in the United Arab Emirates. After qualifying he went on to work for Ridgeway Veterinary Group in Lambourn before moving to Australia to work at Randwick Equine Hospital, gaining a wide range of experience in the fields of internal medicine, surgery and lameness. Upon returning from Australia, Peter worked briefly for another practice in Yorkshire before setting up Yorkshire Equine Practice, and has now gained the Advanced Certificate in Equine Sports Medicine through UCD.
Peter lives in Rufforth with his wife Jocelyn, who is also a veterinary surgeon, and their two young children. When his work and young family aren't occupying his time Peter enjoys following the racing.